Filling to protect oral and dental health is one of the procedures that must be done to prevent tooth loss. It is one of the methods applied for beautiful smiles without any tooth loss in the mouth. There is no painful intervention for this procedure, which takes a very short time.
Almost everyone who wants to protect their oral health has this procedure done if they go to the dentist. It is one of the number one procedures performed for decaying teeth. Since there are many curious points on this subject, it should be examined in detail. It is carried out with the help of a specialist physician and the person is prevented from losing teeth.
What is a Dental Filling?
Filling is a very common procedure performed to treat teeth that are broken, decayed or cracked for any reason. It is made using various materials. Further progression of the rotten tissue is prevented. In this way, tooth loss is prevented.
How is the filling done?
This process is preferred quite frequently. The construction stages may be a bit scary for people who have never seen this process before. But it can easily be said that there is nothing to be afraid of. We can list the construction stages as follows:
- First, the dental tissue must be prepared for the procedure.
- The decay is completely cleaned from the tooth. If there is a previous operation on the tooth, it also needs to be cleaned.
- Afterwards, the appropriate material is selected according to the position of the tooth in the mouth and aesthetic concerns.
- The gap in the tooth is filled with the selected material.
- If necessary, the physician will apply local anesthesia to the patient during this procedure.
- At the end of the procedure, it is checked whether there is compatibility between the material used and the tooth.
- Filling Stages
Dental fillings are a matter of curiosity because there are some curious points about the application of the procedure. The procedure may vary depending on the area to be applied. Mouth structure and its location; In addition, there may be various difficulties in implementation due to its size.
For the most accurate application, the most suitable material is selected by taking these criteria into consideration. The most curious point about how the filling is done is undoubtedly the anesthesia stage. Local anesthesia can be preferred for the required area to ensure that the person does not feel any pain during the procedure. Some points that must be taken into consideration before the procedure are as follows:
- If there is any rot in the area, it should be cleaned and made ready for processing.
- If there is a previously made filling material that needs to be removed, it should be cleaned.
How Long Does Filling Last?
Patients are also very curious about how long the procedure will take. This treatment method is quite simple and takes a short time. Cleaning and filling the tooth is completed in approximately 25 minutes or half an hour. Of course, it would not be right to give an exact time. Because it is possible that it may vary depending on the patient or the condition of the tooth.
In Which Situations Is Filling Applied?
Certain conditions are required for the filling, which is frequently preferred for oral and dental health. The first of these is that the tooth is decayed. The rotten parts of this tooth are cleaned and applied to the relevant area. It is suitable for the broken tooth and will not disturb the person; It is carried out in such a way that chewing and similar operations can be performed. It is applied to deformed teeth to achieve a healthy appearance. Aesthetic smile designs are performed for teeth that have been damaged, decayed or otherwise under similar conditions. A more aesthetic appearance is achieved by applying it to cracked or bad-looking teeth as a result of trauma.
Can pregnant women have fillers?
Whether pregnant women should have the mentioned procedure or not is among the most researched topics. Since the baby takes up a large portion of the calcium in the body during pregnancy, tooth decay and toothaches may occur in the mother. Therefore, this procedure may be needed.
In addition to filling during pregnancy, procedures such as root canal and tooth extraction can be performed. But first, you need to get permission from your gynecologist. If the expert gives permission, the process begins. Otherwise, it will be necessary to wait until after birth.
Does Filling Hurt?
One of the people wondering is whether the filling hurts during the procedure. Since it is performed with local anesthesia, no pain is felt. After the procedure, there may be some pain and discomfort that is normal. In the face of this situation, which is a normal product of the process, the person can use a painkiller recommended by the doctor. By paying attention to hot and cold consumption, you can reduce pain and at the same time extend the life of the filling. It is quite normal to experience tooth sensitivity during this period. If this situation persists, it may be appropriate to contact your doctor. In addition, if the pain persists, it would be beneficial to contact a specialist.
What are the Filling Types?
Fillings made in harmony with the tooth structure are preferred. However, it seems that there are various options in terms of material and usage. There are generally various differences between them in terms of durability and usage.
Gold fillings stand out as they are very durable. It is usually applied to the back teeth. It is a very healthy alternative as it does not cause any damage to the gums.
Amalgam is a type known as silver. It is not often preferred because it does not have a natural tone. It is not suitable for use on front teeth, especially due to its color. Its durability is quite high due to the mercury and various materials it contains.
Composite fillings are one of the most commonly used types. Among the filling types, it is the most aesthetically suitable option. It is also an economical option due to its low cost. Although it is suitable for use on the front teeth, it is not preferred for the back teeth because it is not very durable.
Inlay-Onlay is almost the same cost as gold fillings. It is preferred in cases where a large number of operations need to be performed.
What Should Be Considered After Filling?
As a result of interventions regarding oral and dental health, it is necessary to pay attention to certain issues. It is very important to preserve the permanence of the procedures and oral health. The first thing to consider is not to eat while under the influence of anesthesia. Although it is a condition that can cause tongue biting, it can also cause other problems.
What to Pay Attention to When Eating After Filling?
Patients may have difficulty eating when they undergo any dental procedure. Sometimes they may be hesitant about when to eat after the procedure. Since it is a procedure with anesthesia, you should not eat or drink anything for 2 hours after the procedure. Afterwards, it is recommended not to chew on the treated side during the day.
Is a Dentist Check-Up Required After Tooth Filling?
We mentioned that the process in question is quite simple and short. Generally, it is not necessary to be examined by a doctor again after the procedure. But if an unusual situation occurs, it is necessary to go to the doctor without wasting time. So, what are the situations that can be called extraordinary? It can be listed as follows;
· Persistent and severe pain in the tooth |
· Feeling that the tooth is breathing |
· Not being able to eat on that side even after 1-2 weeks after the procedure |
· Feeling a height in the tooth |
‘My Tooth Hurts After Filling’ What Should I Do?
The post-procedure process may not be the same for every patient. While some patients go through the procedure very smoothly, some patients may continue to have complaints from before the procedure. In fact, sometimes patients who had no toothache before the procedure may experience toothache after the procedure.
The important thing here is how long the pain lasts. Patients who experience toothache for more than a week are advised to see their physician. Toothache experienced in the first week is considered normal. In case of pain, painkillers recommended by the doctor can be used.
How Much Do Dental Fillings Cost?
Another of the most curious issues regarding this transaction is the price issue. As Mehmet Eker Dental Clinic, we take many factors into consideration when determining the price. We strive to please our customers in this regard, as in every other matter. You can also contact us for price and all other details.
While it takes up to 4 or 5 hours for the lower jaw; In the upper part, it loses its effect for up to 3 hours. What should you pay attention to after filling? For the most correct application, you should pay attention to your doctor’s instructions. You can have a healthier and more beautiful smile with Mehmet Eker Dental Clinic by making an appointment now.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Filling Treatment
There are many curious questions about dental treatment, whether it is teeth whitening, root canal treatment or a stand-alone application. The answers to your questions about the method, which is within the scope of aesthetic dentistry and is applied many times during smile design, are as follows:
What is Aesthetic Filling?
It is a type of filling applied for digital smile design and is generally limited to the front teeth. The reason why it is called aesthetic is that, according to some applications, the result is obtained closest to the real tooth. The application is carried out after the dental stone has been cleaned. Due to the materials used, light transmission is ensured and a color tone closest to the natural tooth color is obtained.
Which is the Healthiest Dental Filling?
It is more accurate to determine the healthiest practices for the patients’ mouth and dental structure. It is impossible to talk about a common application for every individual. Both the age of the patient, the area of the tooth to be treated, and even financial means are effective. However, they are the practices that provide natural results, which are found to be the healthiest and recommended by doctors. It will be possible to obtain a more appropriate appearance after treatment.
Who Shouldn't Filling Be Applied?
Although it is a frequently used method by dentists, it is not possible to provide this treatment to everyone. Because some individuals’ health or age are not suitable for treatment. It is not applied to people with the following conditions:
- Those who are pregnant or suspect that they are pregnant,
- Breastfeeding mothers,
- Those who have inflamed gums,
- Those who have wound healing problems,
- Autoimmune patients,
- Those with low defense and immune systems,
- Those with drug allergies.
Are Nerves Removed During Tooth Filling?
No. Nerves are removed during root canal treatment or other different treatment methods. If the mentioned treatment is to be applied alone, there is no need to remove the nerves. However, if it is seen that the decay is approaching the enamel and roots during the treatment, an extra root canal treatment can be decided and the nerve can be removed.
Is it possible to have deep cavities filled?
It is a method applied to fractures and decays in teeth. However, the structure of the caries and its rate of spread are important. If the tooth is salvageable and has not spread deeper, the procedure can be performed. The opposite may occur in situations.
When the patient looks at his tooth, he cannot obtain information about the depth of the decay. As a result of the examinations made by the dentist, if the decay has spread much further than expected and damaged the enamel, filling only is not enough. Here, it may be decided to extract the tooth, especially if the patient experiences pain and suffering.
Is Decayed Tooth Filling the Definitive Solution?
For the sake of the patient’s health, the treatment method is determined by the dentist. The most accurate method must be determined according to the nature of the decay. If there is a newly formed cavity, it would be appropriate to clean it and fill it. However, it should not be considered as a definitive solution in a future situation.
Even if the decaying tooth is not advanced, it does not mean that it is a definitive solution. Because there is a possibility that this tooth may decay or be damaged again later. The attitudes of the patient are impressive here. It can be stated that it is a partially permanent solution if one pays attention to hygiene and stays away from harmful foods.
How Many Teeth Can Be Filled?
Although the procedure to be performed is simple and very common, a certain number of applications are performed in a single session for the sake of patient comfort. For an individual with many caries or fractures, an average of two or three teeth are treated in one session. If there are more teeth, another appointment is made and the treatment process is progressed.
Applying to all tasks in a single session increases the sensitivity. It will seriously affect the patient’s comfort, especially in the first day. However, preventing mouth and gum strain is a necessary condition in order to progress in a healthier and more confident manner.
Is Filling Applied at the First Examination?
There are two types of situations. In the first case, if there is no extra sensitivity in the patient’s flesh and there is no inflammation, the application can be performed in the first session. This is generally the situation that occurs in many patients. There is no need to make an extra appointment or come to the dentist.
However, in the second possibility, if there is swelling, wound and inflammation in the gum, the application is not performed. Antibiotics are prescribed to the patient by the dentist. It is expected that this medicine will be used in the specified ways and the inflammation will disappear. An appointment is made, and the requested application is implemented in the second session.
Which Caries Cannot Be Filled?
The dentist will give clearer information to the patient on this subject. If the decay has covered almost the entire tooth, the application is not recommended. If there is a break affecting a large area, it will not be recommended. Instead, if the patient’s age is appropriate, coating may be recommended.
If the tooth enamel is seriously damaged and there is a possibility of damage to adjacent teeth, it may be better to perform a tooth extraction. If the patient is over 18 years of age, it is recommended to have a healthier smile with implants or veneers. Otherwise, the filling procedure will not be sufficient and the patient will continue to experience discomfort.
Can a Breastfeeding Mother Get a Dental Filling?
It is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers to have dental fillings. Due to the anesthesia and other medications to be used, it is recommended to wait until the breastfeeding period is over. The procedure is not carried out in order to minimize the possibility of harm to the mother and baby as a result of drug use.
Can You Get Tooth Fillings While Pregnant?
Pregnant women are prohibited from using many medications in order to prevent damage to the baby during critical periods and for healthy development in general. It is decided whether the application will be performed or not under the supervision of a doctor. However, it is not appropriate for a high percentage of expectant mothers to undergo such a procedure.
Is Pediatric Tooth Filling Different from Adult Treatment?
Once the application to be performed is determined, there is no difference between children or adults. The application will be provided for the purpose of obtaining a healthy tooth as it should be. Careful progress is made just to prevent children from experiencing fear of the dentist.
The difference in children may occur in terms of anesthesia. Instead of anesthetizing with injections, numbing materials with special flavors are used. The tooth and its area are anesthetized using drugs with different flavors such as strawberry and mint. Thus, the child is prevented from developing a fear of treatment.
Does Filling Pain on the First Day?
It is not possible for patients to feel any pain or sensitivity during the application. Negativity will be prevented by using local anesthesia during the application. However, this local anesthesia will be valid for a certain period of time. It may lose its effect within 2-3 hours and cause slight tingling and sensitivity.
It is quite normal to encounter such a situation on the first day. This is why it is necessary not to eat in the first hours and to avoid extreme heat and cold throughout the day. This way you won’t make the tooth extra sensitive. On the other hand, after the first day, the effect will disappear and it will not create an uncomfortable feeling.
Can You Eat Food After Filling?
It should never be eaten. Drinking should not be done, especially within the first few hours. There are certain reasons why dentists warn at this point. The most important of these is the effect of local anesthesia. Since the patient will lose sensation, it may cause serious tongue and cheek injuries while eating. It may tear intraoral structures without realizing it.
Another reason is that you do not feel any pressure on the tooth in the first hours. If the food is torn apart by the tooth in the treated area or if this tooth comes into contact with other teeth, it will cause pain afterwards. You will increase the sensitivity and tingling sensation expected on the first day.
Food after filling should only be consumed after 2-3 hours. If possible, food should be away from solid foods on the first day. Extremely hot should not be eaten, lukewarm should be preferred. Likewise, smoking is not recommended in the first hours. Because smoking has a delaying effect on the improvement of the situation in the area.
How Many Hours After Filling Should You Drink Water?
Although eating is not recommended after the application, there is no restriction on drinking water. The patient can drink water immediately after the application. Only recommendations from dentists are offered here. The larger the area treated, the more anesthetized it is. Since this anesthesia makes it difficult to control the lips and mouth, it is also useful to be careful when drinking water.
Which Department Can I Make an Appointment For Tooth Filling?
Many dental-related problems find solutions in both public hospitals and private dental clinics. Getting an appointment at public hospitals is very difficult, especially in emergency situations. People who experience pain and sensitivity must wait for days to apply the mentioned treatment method. However, negative emotions continue to increase without waiting.
Dental diseases and problems create more unbearable problems than other diseases. That’s why patients have been choosing private dental clinics lately. Procedures to be performed in private clinics are carried out in a short time, considering the high level of comfort of the patient. You can get a solution to your problem in a short time without any waiting.
If you are looking for the right address for your dental and oral health, including this mentioned procedure, you can trust Mehmet Eker and his team. You can make an appointment by choosing one of the Başakşehir and Bağcılar branches and regain your health shortly after voicing your problems.
Can Coffee, Tea and Cola Be Consumed After Filling?
The materials used during filling are likely to be damaged not only immediately after the treatment but also over a long period of time. The biggest harm comes from acidic drinks. Acid will cause the material used to corrode and melt over time. Consumption is not recommended.
Tea and coffee should never be consumed immediately after the application. It can be drunk after waiting at least 2-3 hours and wearing off the effect of local anesthesia. However, care should be taken not to get too hot during this time. Otherwise, it may increase the sensitivity of the tooth and cause pain.
It may also be necessary to minimize tea and coffee consumption in the long term. Because it will again cause damage to the materials. While it may cause color change in the material, it may also cause problems in untreated teeth. There is a high probability of decay and discoloration.
Does the bottom of the filling rot?
Yes. Even though it is known that the procedure is carried out with high quality materials, it can cause decay unless care is taken. Among the causes of cavities: It is necessary to stay away from acidic drinks, coffee and tea, sugary foods and cigarettes. Otherwise, the bruise will recur and the same procedures will have to be repeated.
The materials currently used have a lifespan. This is why the filling process, which has reached the end of its life, is likely to be repeated. If patients pay attention to the necessary hygiene and cleanliness, this will prolong the recurrence period. However, the more careless you are, the less likely you will be to see a dentist.
Can filled teeth be brushed?
Of course, it can be brushed and even should be brushed. It is only recommended to brush the teeth carefully, without putting too much pressure, on the first night of the procedure. It is also useful to pay attention to the gums, especially if this procedure is performed on an inflamed tooth. Otherwise, the patient is likely to experience negative emotions and experiences.
On the other hand, careful brushing should be continued after time has passed. If possible, fluoride toothpaste should be used to ensure that all teeth are more durable. Dental floss may also be preferred depending on the structure of the tooth. Mouthwash may be preferred, although not in abundance.
Does Chewing Gum Damage the Filling?
It is known to cause partial damage. The hardness of the gum causes extra pressure on the tooth surface. If the gum is chewed seriously and frequently due to the pressure created, it is possible to cause wear and tear over time.
Chewing gum also causes increased saliva secretion in the mouth. Increased salivation damages the treatment method due to the materials it contains. The materials used may wear, melt or even break over time. It is better for both dental and jaw health to avoid chewing as much as possible.
How to Identify Faulty Tooth Filling?
It is partly difficult for patients to perceive such a situation. It will be especially more effective to get professional support. An error, if any, can be detected after examination by the dentist. Likewise, if it is time for renewal, the patient will be informed that the treatment must be repeated.
Generally, patients consider it a mistake to experience sensitivity on the first day. However, this is not an error but a normal situation. It should not be expressed as if it were a mistake made by the dentist. Likewise, if a long time has passed since the application and pain, soreness or sensitivity has occurred, it should not be seen as a mistake.
Even if the materials used are of high quality, they may wear out, break or fail over time. However, if you are experiencing a lot of aches and pains even though the procedure was performed a short time ago, there may be something wrong. At this stage, you can have the filling examined by making an appointment at a different clinic. If there is an error, it will be revealed by the dentist’s observation.
How is Front Teeth Filling Done?
The application to the front teeth should be done more carefully than to the other molars. Being in direct view also brings with it aesthetic concern. Therefore, if the correct filling method is chosen during the application, satisfaction can be achieved with the result.
After examining the mouth structure, if it is decided that this method will be applied to the front teeth, your dentist will give you suggestions. In some cases, not only filling but also coating or cleaning may be sufficient. However, if this procedure is still to be performed, materials that are aesthetically pleasing and create a natural tooth appearance should be preferred.
Should Amalgam Filling or Composite Filling be Used for Front Teeth Filling?
Amalgam and composite fillings are the most well-known and widely used methods. The reason why these methods differ is due to the materials used during application. While preparing amalgam, materials that have a relatively different color and can be seen visually are used.
In composite applications, the materials used are more effective in giving the appearance of natural teeth. This appearance is no different from other tooth colors. Thus, it will not be understood that any treatment or application has been performed. It is the most preferred method by patients for front teeth. It is applied to the teeth after recommendations are given by the doctor. You can have an aesthetic mouth structure with a natural smile.